¿Quieres profundizar en el mundo de las comunidades energéticas?
En esta sección, encontrarás guías prácticas, análisis detallados y reportes especializados sobre cómo crear, gestionar y optimizar proyectos energéticos colaborativos. Desde aspectos técnicos hasta estrategias de participación comunitaria, aquí tendrás acceso a recursos que te ayudarán a impulsar tu comunidad hacia un futuro más sostenible.
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Are renewable energy communities a vehicle to mitigate the energy crisis and lift people out of energy poverty?'

Are renewable energy communities a vehicle to mitigate the energy crisis and lift people out of energy poverty?


Energy communities are non-commercial entities that organise collective ownership around a variety of activities in the energy sector. They are based on open and voluntary participation and are under effective control of citizens, local authorities or smaller businesses whose main activities do not lie in the energy sector. [1] Their purpose is to provide environmental, economic or social benefits to their members or the local community rather than generate financial profits. The energy community concept is defined in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) and the Internal Electricity Market Directive (IEMD), which set a regulatory framework for renewable energy communities and citizen energy communities in the EU. Energy communities may engage in the generation, distribution, supply, consumption, aggregation, energy storage, energy efficiency services / charging services for electric vehicles, or provide other energy services to their members or shareholders. In this briefing, we primarily focus on RECs (Renewable Energy Communities) and CECs (Citizens Energy Communities). Other concepts with a broader scope, including more general collective energy actions, are not in primary focus (yet mentioned as they can also positively impact energy justice/energy poverty alleviation).

Tipo de publicación
- Guía
- Autoconsumo
- Introducción a las Comunidades Energéticas
- Pobreza Energética
Ámbito geográfico
- Europeo
Fecha de publicación
Marzo de 2023
Idioma: Inglés
Energía Común

Una iniciativa de


Con la colaboración de

Redeia Ministerio para la transición ecológica y el reto demográfico

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